Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Positivity Month Post #24: Grumpy 'Til I've Had...

Hello.  Thank you for sticking with me.  I wasn't exactly Little Miss Sunshine yesterday, was I?  Today has been better, not good, but better.  I had a decent night's sleep, the sun has shone today and I have stretched my legs (and my cardiovascular whatnots) on the old bicycle.
So the first 22 days of this month of positivity were a breeze, I had no trouble at all finding something which made me happy every day.  Yesterday was bloomin' difficult, as you know.  And although today has been a better day, I was struggling to think of something which has made me think happy thoughts.  Struggling, that is, until just now, when the Best Beloved popped his head round the door and asked if I would like a cup of tea.  Now then, I rarely refuse a cup of tea, and Earl Grey is my preferred tipple, taken with a little skimmed milk if you please.  My children say that my name means "Grumpy 'Til I've Had A Cup Of Tea" and certainly the Best Beloved brings me a large mug of tea every morning before I get out of bed - in fact, when The Teacher was at university and I went to stay with her for a night (I know, I know, reliving my youth...) she brought me a cup of tea in bed in the morning, obviously scared of the alternative consequences!
So now I am on the sofa looking at a cushion which The Mathematician bought me for my birthday a few years ago on which is borne the legend
Hope always lifts my spirits and makes life brighter.  And so does tea.
See you tomorrow.
Love, Mrs Tiggywinkle x

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