Wednesday 14 December 2016

A Walk In The Woods

Hello, are you well?  Coping?  Thank you for dropping in here, I didn't realise I had been away for so long, and thank you for the comments you left on my last post, Anne and I are delighted that so many people now know Joe's story.
I do love autumn.  I love its colours and its fruitfulness, trees laden with conkers, acorns and chestnuts, fascinating fungi sprouting from trees and from the earth, walking on thick carpets of fallen leaves and beech mast, so when the Best Beloved said to me one Sunday last month, "Where would you like to go this afternoon?" I answered straight away, "To the woods."  They didn't disappoint.  The air was soft and warm, the leaves scrunched as we walked over and through them and all around us the squirrels scampered through the trees, gathering food for the winter and running down the solid trunks to bury it under the ground.  I sat on a bench by the pool and drank in the colours and the sounds, greedily feeding my soul in preparation for the week ahead. 

Since then, the temperature has dropped, the winds have blown, all the leaves have fallen and when I look out of my window I see the spiky tree skeletons outlined against pale blue skies.  Autumn's glory days have passed and, with frosty mornings, dark afternoons and hot water bottles at bedtime, we are nearing its end - yes, I know that the meteorologists like to fit the seasons neatly into the calendar year so that winter begins on 1st December, but if you have been reading here for a while you will know that I am an astrological kind of gal and in this house, it's autumn until the winter solstice on 21st December.

Out in the back yard, a large Nordmann Fir is propped up against the wall.  It's almost time...
See you soon.
Love, Mrs Tiggywinkle x


  1. It's been a fantastic Autumn, hasn't it. Today, I went to the shops in a cardigan, fancy that. Have fun. x

    1. Cardigans in December! The colours have been especially beautiful this year, I think. But it's quite dreary now - let's have some snow!x

  2. It still feels like Autumn, we certainly have been blessed with a very mild season.

    1. We had two or three weeks of very cold weather when the Best Beloved had to scrape the car every morning but the last few weeks have been very mild here, too. At least it keeps the heating bill down! x

  3. It has been 'Autumn warm' over the last couple of days I'm looking forward to 21st December and the change of seasons. Your walk in the woods looks wonderful:)

    1. Those woods are lovely, Rosie. They used to be the estate of a grand house so there are pools, an avenue of yews and clues to its past as well as the trees. Not nearly as grand as Trentham, though! x

  4. We had a long, warm autumn, but about 10 days ago the mercury began dropping and we're still below freezing. I don't mind, though, because it's sunny and bright and I'll take all the light I can get.
    How beautiful the woods are in autumn.

    1. I think so too, Lorrie, but I am ready for the winter now. We had some very cold weather a few weeks ago but it's been mild ever since - although having said that, my hot water bottle has been on duty almost every night! x
