Monday, 2 December 2019

Advent Sunday

Hello, thank you for calling in.  At last it has stopped raining and we have had three whole days with no precipitation.  Hooray!  It has rained so much over the last few weeks that my wooden front door has swollen and is sticking.  The ground is still saturated and there is standing water in the fields. It has been very cold and we have had to scrape the frost off the cars in the mornings but I don't mind, it is December after all.
So we are in the season of Advent, one of my favourite times of the year.  Yesterday I read that if you are sick of Christmas by 25th December, you haven't done Advent properly.  I have had great difficulty finding my Christmas spirit over the last few years, even though I have tried to do Advent properly; I know that it should be about anticipation, reflection and excitement but I just haven't been able to muster the excitement.  However, at the end of last week I read that it should be about anticipation, reflection and joyful preparation and by replacing that "excitement" with "joy" I felt completely different about it.  I lay part of the blame for my difficulty at the feet of a vicar who, about thirty years ago, told me that Advent was about "penitence and preparation" and I've never really shaken off the penitential bit - I didn't know that I was allowed to be joyful.  I have been in churches where they don't allow the Christmas tree lights to be switched on during Advent.  Honestly.
So, with all this in mind, on Saturday I joyfully cleared, dusted and polished my mantelpiece and laid upon it the pompom garland I made last year, in traditional colours of green, red and cream, and then gathered together my Advent paraphernalia. 

I like the daily countdown, as each new day is over the remaining numbers remind me that there are still plenty of days left in which to achieve all that needs to be done for the Christmas festivities, despite what the fast-edited television adverts might be telling me, and for a list-maker like me, that's very helpful.  I also like that moment of opening the door on the advent calendar or lighting the candle, the stillness which is in that moment, the opportunity for a little bit of mindfulness, reflection or prayer.  So, I have an Advent calendar.  I'm a bit old-fashioned and I like a simple card calendar with doors which open to reveal nothing but a picture so my children think I am ridiculous.  (The Best Beloved has bought each of them a chocolate Advent calendar, even though they are proper grown-ups and don't live with us any more, apparently this is his paternal duty.)  I like there to be glitter on the card - and yes, I know that we are not supposed to be using glitter because it's so bad for the environment, unless it's biodegradable, but my calendar is on its seventh year so it's definitely not a single-use item and by the time it's worn out I expect all the glitter will have dropped off anyway.  In January I shall carefully close all the doors, weight it down under a heavy book and then tuck it away until next year.

The house-shaped starry box is the gift my thoughtful sister gave me for Christmas last year.  When I opened it I realised that it is a Nativity scene Advent calendar - one little wooden figure to add each day until the whole cast is assembled.  Although I was excited about that, I put it away and decided that I would open it during December this year.  When I thanked my sister, she said that it was a shame to wait almost a whole year for it but I said no, it wasn't a shame because this way I get to open a present every day for twenty-four days! 
I was given this copy of The Christmas Mystery by Jostein Gaarder by a friend last year.  It's a magical story divided into twenty-four chapters, each one only about ten pages long, one a day during Advent which gathers together the cast of the Nativity through a time-travelling mystery about a missing girl.  Although written for children, I enjoyed it and I intend to read it again this year.
In the star-shaped tealight holder is a tealight with the number 1 on it.  I love the soft glow of candlelight  every evening during Advent but I discovered a couple of years ago that I prefer these numbered tealights to the traditional dinner candle.  These burn for a few hours and I don't have to worry about burning down into the next number.  As I got these out on Saturday I felt just a bit smug about the fact that I had bought two sets of these when I found them in a shop last year so I didn't need to hunt them out this year.
The envelope labelled "A moment to breathe in Advent" was given to me by friends and contains four postcards, I suppose one for each Sunday during Advent.  I read the first one yesterday and enjoyed a minute or two of reflection over it.
Lastly, I took my Merry Christmas mug off the top shelf of a kitchen cupboard.  I bought this in a sale at the end of November last year and used it every day from 1st December through to Epiphany.  It's a constant reminder that I don't have to be penitential and it's OK to be merry - or it would be, if the Best Beloved hadn't brought me my tea in a rather lovely strawberry mug this morning!

So, yesterday morning, after drinking tea from my Merry Christmas mug and opening my Advent calendars I went to The Teacher's house.  She had suggested that we have a creative Advent Sunday together so we wore reindeer antlers, painted the tiny people's feet to print Christmas cards, stamped some brown paper with Tom Kitten to make wrapping paper and drank mulled wine to a background of Christmas songs.  I think I might get the hang of this "joyful preparation".
See you soon.
Love, Mrs Tiggywinkle x


  1. I love your Advent paraphernalia! Each one is a little memory and a time for joyful reflection. I don't have anything Advent though, it's not something I've ever thought about. We put our tree up yesterday and I bought it a few new baubles. I don't have a tree skirt so I wrap several metres of silver tinsel around the feet to hide them. We've bought all our presents and now they just need wrapping. Best, Jane x

    1. We do the same thing with our tree and wrap tinsel around the base to hide the stand, although we don't put it up until the day of the winter solstice. Well done on completing your shopping, I'm gently working my way down my list. x

  2. What a lovely post.. And I love that this is the 7th year of the Advent calendar. I think people in positions of some form of authority ie a vicar/teacher etc should think very carefully about what they say to people and how it can affect them for many years to come. You enjoy being joyful and you go rock at it! sounds like you are getting the hang of it quickly, enjoy x

    1. Thank you Selma! I think I'm doing Advent well this year. There was a time when we were really hard up and I couldn't justify the cost of an Advent calendar but I really missed it so I bought this one when it was vastly reduced in price, about halfway through Advent and resolved to keep it so that I always have one no matter how poor I am. I absolutely agree with you about vicars and teachers. x

  3. I loved reading about your joyful Advent preparation. I sometimes struggle to find much joy in the weeks before Christmas, but I find that lists and something to look forward to, like opening an Advent calendar, certainly help to spark joy. I read The Christmas Mystery a few years ago - it is a sweet story. Marie x

    1. Thanks Marie. I really can't remember when I have enjoyed Advent as much as I am enjoying it this year. My daughter has been very helpful and encouraging, which has definitely made a big difference and even my husband is trying - the other day he bought some mince pies for me (he doesn't eat them) and got the special mince pie plates out of the dresser. I almost fell over! x

  4. Thank you for your lovely blog!  Come follow me at our 7 blogs

    All 7 are listed on each blog.  I am cleaning house right now, but a lot to see and read anyway, just pardon the dust .God bless and keep you!
