Thursday 5 February 2015

Positivity Month Post #5: A Little Flock

Hello.  Thank you for calling in.  We have had no sunshine today, no blue sky, just the dense, white cloud cover that washes the brightness out of everything and keeps reminding you how cold you feel. 

But there was a little patch of happiness this morning: I was looking out of the glass door with my friend and colleague at a patch of ivy on the ground beneath a large tree and we noticed a bird that wasn't the usual sparrow.  She was Mrs Chaffinch.  And as we continued to look we saw not just Mr Chaffinch but a small flock of chaffinches pecking about with...a wren.  They were about 6 feet away from us and we watched them for long enough to talk about them before the chaffinches flew away, leaving the wren to peck about alone for a little longer.  It was such an unexpected and charming sight and it made us both happy.
I didn't have a camera with me so there is no photograph.  Instead, I offer you Print of a Wren by Rupert Potter, father of Beatrix.
Love, Mrs Tiggywinkle x

1 comment:

  1. What a delightful little story
    We saw bush turkeys and all sorts of creatures yesterday, Austin seems to know them all! Bush turkeys aren't like turkeys at all, more like large coots!
